
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Newel's Noel

My husband wanted some of his own Christmas cards so I whipped him up a set.  The original design of this card was given to me in an Artisan Award Swap by Heather Van Duker.  When I first saw Heather's card I was hooked and knew that I wanted to recreate a few for myself.  So, I simplified Heather's design and made ten for my husband to use for his work gifts and such.

In my family we sing the chorus to The First Noel with one change to the words.  Instead of singing Noel Noel... we sing Newel Newel which is my husbands name.  In fact we attended a sing along on Sunday I a sang the last repeat of the chorus full out with Newel's name.

My wish for you is that you enjoy this Holiday season and all the craftin' opportunities it brings!

Merry Christmas,


  1. Love it! And I'll bet your version of Noel is a lot of fun!

  2. Ohhh...I really really like these. I love the clean and simple design. It's very refreshing!!
