
Thursday, March 6, 2014

More Kaleidoscopin' Out My Stuff

Welcome to another day of Kaleidoscopin' Out My Stuff!  I am glad you're here to see a couple simple 3D projects made with Kaleidoscope DSP as my motivator.  If you saw my Monday post I mentioned I was inspired by a blog post at All I Create.  This first project was another that I had to have for myself so I cased Ashley's gift card holder.
I made a very similar gift card holder in my Technique Time! class two months ago and they are quick and easy if you have the Envelope Punch Board.  Just make the smallest envelope listed on the board and assemble with one of the sides as the bottom.  It perfectly fits a 2" wide tag which you can use Mini Glue Dot to adhere a gift card.

Here's a cool mix of Summer Starfruit and Smokey Slate.  I think it's a fabulous color combo and will be sad to have to say goodbye to Summer Starfruit at the end of this catalog year.  The box was cut using the Fancy Favor XL Die and the cello bag inside is from the Twisty Treats Kit, a Sale-A-Bration offering.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed my visit looking at all of your wonderful creativity. :)
    I would love for you to follow my Blog too!
    Have a beautifully blessed day!
